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How to Know When They Are Sick
How to Know When They Are Sick

How to Know When They Are Sick

How many times have you checked your cat’s temperature or listened to your dog’s heart rate? I am thinking, probably never, but good for you if you have. 

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Pawliday Festivities!
Pawliday Festivities!

Pawliday Festivities!

The holiday season is always a busy and fun time for most families, and we love to share these times with our furry family members.

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Senior Wellness and Your Pet
Senior Wellness and Your Pet

Senior Wellness and Your Pet

Luckily, pets these days are living longer, but as they age, they can develop health problems and require special care. 

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Tips for Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth
Tips for Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Tips for Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Your canine and feline companions need proper dental care to keep them healthy and smiling. Just like us, they also benefit from daily brushings.

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Reasons to Adopt a Senior Pet
Reasons to Adopt a Senior Pet

Reasons to Adopt a Senior Pet

Senior pets, unfortunately, usually spend more time at the shelter. Often older pets end up in animal shelters at no fault of their own.

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In Defense of Veterinary Diets
In Defense of Veterinary Diets

In Defense of Veterinary Diets

There is a lot of information out there these days about the dangers of food additives, dyes and artificial ingredients.

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How Do Dental Diets Work
How Do Dental Diets Work

How Do Dental Diets Work

Dental diets exist to help with dental hygiene and make the experience easy for the owner and pleasurable for the pet!

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Who Is Your Veterinary Team?
Who Is Your Veterinary Team?

Who Is Your Veterinary Team?

A considerable amount of work goes into running a great veterinary clinic. It takes a lot of different people to care for patients the way they deserve to be cared for. 

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Use of Cannabis in Dogs and Cats
Use of Cannabis in Dogs and Cats

Use of Cannabis in Dogs and Cats

With more governments choosing to decriminalize marijuana and the recent surge in medicinal use in people, many are discussing its use in other species.

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Oliver’s Weight Loss Journey
Oliver’s Weight Loss Journey

Oliver’s Weight Loss Journey

When Oliver came to live with us, he had a small list of medical problems. His two main issues were urinary blockages and obesity. 

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Marijuana and Pets: The Blunt Truth
Marijuana and Pets: The Blunt Truth

Marijuana and Pets: The Blunt Truth

October 17th, 2018 is now recognized in Canadian history as the day marijuana was federally legalized. What does this mean for your pet’s safety?

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